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Re: VMs: More Voynich Jargon added...
Hi Ken,
At 18:46 31/07/2003 -0500, Ken W wrote:
Can someone post the terms used to describe the distinct thematic sections
in the VMS as they are referred to on this list? Herbal, I figure is used
to describe f1v through f57r with various others. Or is that
Botanical? What about the "Medicinal" section at the end (f88 and f89,
f99 through f102)? Also, is there a single term for all the non zodiacal
astrological/pendants (ie.,f67 - f70, some f86 and f85 pages, etc.)? I
just want to have my lingo correct.
My terminological map of the VMS uses these groupings:-
Herbal pages = pages with a single type of plant on
Pharma pages = pages with multiple plants and apothecary jars
Astrological pages = the circular volvelles with nymphs (f70v2..f73v)
Astronomical pages = the other circular diagrams (f67r1..f70r2, etc)
The 9-rosette page = the big foldout map page
The recipe / ephemeris pages = the starred paragraphs at the back of the VMS
The balneological pages = nymphs, baths, plumbing (f75r...f84v)
Key-like sequences = pages with 1+ sets of single glyphs in a row/column/circle
The front page = f1r
The magic circle page = f57v
The fertilisation / seed page = f86v
The michiton oladabas page = the last page
Anything else is a bit of a one-off, right? ;-)
Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....
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