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VMs: Re: further ramblings [was: VMS lookalikes]
> Barbara Blithers;
> Hi Petr, Robert, nice to make your aquaintance ;-)
And you as well!
> it seems to me to be somewhat contradictory that an artist who
> couldn't even get basic human anatomy right, whos skill could at kindest
> called a characturist, somehow was blessed with the ability to produce
> representational exactitude when it came to hairstyles - or star
> for that matter.
My own art style is fairly crude and cartoony, but I could look at
stars while drawing and get them (more or less) right, just like I can
look at a drawing and copy it.
The man's face on f67v1 is the only realistically-drawn one in the
VMs, as far as I know, and I do think it will turn out to be Tycho's.
(But there's another argument for having decent hi-res images made.)
I think I've identified all the stars on that folio, including the
> So, IMO so far there's no convincing argument the vms was
> composed after the 1400s.
That's fine-- I'll have to work harder at finding such evidence.
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