Personally - at the moment - I believe the VMS doesn't contain any cleartext message because: 1) someone would have found it already
2) there is no encryption method (that I know of) in the period 1400 - 1600 that could produce a text like the VMS 3) there is no non-encryption-related "idea" in the mindset of the 1400 - 1600 that could produce a text like the VMS (artificial languages, world models)
4) it is - at the same time - too neat and too uncomprehensible The cleartext manuscripts that I've seen until now are either: - not-neat, complex AND THEREFORE incomprehensible (legal documents, administration, notes, bad handwriting, lots of abbreviations) - neat AND THEREFORE easily comprehensible (poetry, prayer, history). As yet I've seen NO neat document that I couldn't read.
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