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VMs: Re: Re: Re: Topic for discussion

> Hi Michael

Hello again, Jeff,

> Not exactly precision Voynichese, but the point about this block
> is that it is enciphered Latin. I am currently working to bring the
> underlying tables into line so that I can cipher using as near to
> Voynichese as I can. It just goes to show that Gordon Rugg does
> not have all the answers.

it sounds interesting and looks interesting.

> Yes I know m's don't appear toward the ends of lines. Also that there
> are no key sequences or double gallows words etc etc. So take this
> at face value for now.

So I just look only the "words" - perhaps there is a way to create the
other properties by refining a good cipher which creates mosty legal
voynicheese words.

If there is a perl interpreter available for your computer system (and
perl is available for nearly everything processing bits and bytes), you
may find my little scripts helpful. There is an vindex.pl script,
generating a full concordance from Jorge Stolfis interlinear
transcription archive, and there is a vfind.pl script for finding
occurences of a word in the concordance. You can download my scripts
under the URL


After unzipping, create a full concordance with

    perl vindex.pl

(it may take a while) and start the vfind tool with

    perl vfind.pl -t H

(it may take a while too until you see the greeting message). Then you
can enter a word and get all occurences of the word in the transcription
of Takeshi Takahashi. (You can select another transcription by changing
the H in another transcriber code, see the comments in Stolfi's
interlinear file for all transcriber codes.) To exit the program, just
enter an empty line.

If you want a short documentation for all my scripts, just invoke

    perl mkdoc.pl

and a subdirectory doc will be created. In this directory you will find
the documentation in plain text format, as HTML file and in LaTeX. There
also is a generated index.html file containing hyperrefs to all
generated documentation files.

And now for the strange looking latin:

> ctheam.or.dyor.qoiin.opcfh.cthoiis.g

ctheam does not exist

dyor is rare (1 occurence)

qoiin is rare (3 occurences)

opcfh does not exist

cthoiis does not exist and looks strange. A a oiis ending is rare.

> sham.sochol.rsheo.chkoiis.or.choiis.arckhor.psham.ckhor

sochol is rare (1 occurence)

rsheo does not exist.

chkoiis does not exist, strange is the oiis ending

choiis does not exist

arckhor does not exist, a r-sh or r-ch glyph combination with optionally
embedded gallow occurs less than 300 times in the manuscript.

psham does not exist

> dypshak.g.poiis.qoar.qoshaiir.shair.chair.cfhoiis.d

dypshak does not exist

poiis looks strange (oiis-ending) but occurs once in the manuscript.

qoshaiir looks okay, but does not exist

shair is rare (1 occurence)

cfhoiis does not exist and is strange (oiis)

> yckhak.g.dan.cthchol.dy.qockor.ochol.fain

yckhak does not exist and is VERY strange. An "a-gallow" ending looks
totally unexpected.

cthchol looks good - but does not exist

qockor is REALLY strange. Looks like a ch-gallow "ligature" without "h".
In a transcription file I would suspect a little mistake and check the
"word" for being "qokor", which is okay and a frequenct "word".

fain does not exist

> sham.sochair.oschaiin.m.qochk.yckhak.chol.an.chal.or

sochair does not exist

oschaiin and oshaiin (typo?) are rare (1 occurence)

qochk does not exist

yckhak does not exist - REALLY strange is the a-gallow ending

> pain.ckhpol.ckhl.shal.chair.shak.g.oechoiis.orak.g

pain, ckhpol, ckhl, shak and orak does not exist

chair is rare (1 occurence)

oechoiis does not exist - (strange oiis ending)

> eam.sochol.okan.ar.chor.qoshor.cfh.ckhos.choy.g

eam, qoshor, cfh does not exist

sochol is rare (1 occurence)

chkos occurs only three times

> yckhain.g.sham.osain.ol.okan.ar.choiiin.dan.oechak.or

yckhain does not exist

osain is rare (1 occurence)

choiiin does not exist, but looks like a transcription error. The oi
could be an "a", and chaiin is a very frequent "word".

oechak does not exist and looks REALLY strange (a-gallow ending)

> oeoiis.shoiin.ochair.shor.chctchan.olchpoiis.or

oeoiis, olchpoiis does not exist and looks strange (oiis)

ochair does not exist

chctchan does not exist and looks REALLY strange (c-gallow-ch is a "half
ch-ligature with embedded gallow")

> ckhchol.ckh.l.olshar.shor.chckheo.ckhor.socfham.ckhor

ckhchol, ckh, olshar, chckheo, ckhor, socfham does not exist

> ckhshoiin.chor.chol.ar.an.cfhak.g.qocfhh.shair.qoshor

ckhshoiin, qoshor does not exist

shair is rare (1 occurence)

cfhak does not exist and looks REALLY strange (a-gallow ending)

qocfhh does not exist and looks REALLY strange. (c-gallow-hh)

> osckar.ckhosaiim.shotain.qoshor.cfh.ckhos.dan.oee.chkoiis.or

osckar does not exist and looks REALLY strange (cka, incomplete ch
"ligature" with embedded gallow)

oee does not exist and looks strange because it ends in a "naked" e

chkoiis does not exist and looks strange (oiis)

ckhosaiim, shotain, qoshor, cfh does not exist

ckhos occurs only three times

> chofod.chos.chol.dy

chofod does not exist


"oiis" occurs exactly six times in the whole manuscript. I could
classify it as REALLY strange.

"gallow ending": There are 138 distinct "words" over all known
transcriptions of the VM ending in a gallow. Most of these "words" are
rare, with the exception of "ot", "qot", "shek", "shok", "chok" - but
they are far away from being frequent. The glyph combination "a-gallow"
at the end of a "word" occurs only two times in the whole transcription
of Takeshi Takahashi and is REALLY strange.

Don't be too disturbed by my notice that a "word" looks strange. It just
means that it contains glyph sequences very seldom seen over the
manuscript - but such strange looking "words" exists. But the REALLY
strange "words" looks nearly impossible to me. But sometimes, looking at
the manuscript, I find such REALLY strange words too...

I hope, it helps a little bit.


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