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RE: The Hoax Theory (was: VMs: Codex Seraphinianus...?)

Hi Don,

At 17:35 17/07/2003 -0600, Don Latham wrote:
IMHO, having studied a very little psyc., the VM is far too organized for
glossolalia. In fact, glossolalia would look much like noise when subjected
to analysis. If, on the other hand, a person with a strange but organized
world view, and what is commonly referred to as a "paranoid" personality,
might very well hide the strange view with encryption or code.  In that
casae, there would be no desire to pass on the knowledge, hence no written
down key. If the world view were strange enough, there would be no referent
in, say, herbals or astrology of his time.  If a code, the "codebook" would
be well hidden.

Certainly, the VMS' code / secret language might seem to indicate paranoia, or maybe anxiety: but perhaps its repetitious dain/daiin-iness might also seem correlated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Alternatively, its numerous nymphs (and the rubbed-through hole in one folio) might also suggest a driving obsession with sex: or the whole MS could be the long-term result of a "lone gunman's" schizoid (or perhaps schizotypal?) personality disorder... etc etc.

Personally, I see the Voynich as a quite remarkable, rationally-conceived and deliberately-executed document - and so suspect that looking for flaws in its author's psyche to explain the apparent language structure might be something of a "cop-out"... a much easier answer than admitting the distinct possibility that the author was rationally able to out-think you.

Might it be safer to conclude that, as the VMS can be interpreted as indirectly exhibiting aspects of so many very different psychological pathologies simultaneously, it is in fact more likely to have been the product of an utterly balanced mind? :-9

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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