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VMs: Cicco Simonetta's coat of arms and cryptoheraldry...

Hi everyone,

I've just found a website containing Cicco Simonetta's family coat of arms (along with a nice description of his life in Italian):-

Last year, Dana suggested a possible hidden heraldic eagle in f46v, and we found that it seemed to correspond to the coat of arms for the town of Novara, near Milan (where Cicco Simonetta was granted honorary citizenship in 1456).

I've talked informally with a few (frankly disbelieving) heraldry researchers about this, and they seem somewhat skeptical that the VMs could be the only known case of (what one might reasonably call) "cryptoheraldry". And yet... and yet...

Now... take a critical look at f90v1, the "lion root" page. I now think that this is a left-right-flipped version of the lion on the Simonetta coat of arms - and that the branches of plant correspond to the red cross in its background. BTW, does anyone know what colour the leaves are on this page - are they red?

In fact, I'm going to go one step even further along this whole crypto-heraldic line of reasoning: I also predict that the root on the left of f43v is the famous Visconti serpent motif - because Cicco Simonetta famously married Elisabetta Visconti in 1452. Does anyone know what colour the serpent is - might it be green? The interlinear notes say: "Colors: b,green,tan (Reeds)".

BTW, when I visited Sergio Toresella, I noted down "bistorta / occhio" for the f43v serpent, which I guess probably means snakeweed. But why draw a Visconti serpent to represent it?

Cryptoheraldry may mean nothing to you right now, but I think it will come to mean *everything* for the VMs... we shall see...

Cheers, .....Nick Pelling.....

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