The shop over here thinks they have one laser than can do a true 4800 dpi,
but their others are all 1200 dpi. Providing more information to their
printer than necessary relies on printer driven interpolation, and I'd
rather set this up myself so all pages are done exactly the same. The jpeg
files can be resized and still maintain 600 dpi resolution, perfect for just
about all inkjets, but not as high as I would like for a laser, so I'm
resizing the tiffs and setting their dpi information at 1200 before having
them printed so the printer prints 1 to 1. Their size is reduced
drastically when this operation is performed. I'm going to try to resize a
tiff for their 4800 dpi laser for comparison, but I don't think I'll be able
to tell any significant difference with the eye - maybe I'll be surprised.
Every operation with a tiff takes 5 minutes on my computer. :-(