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Re: VMs: Print-on-demand (continued)...

Nick Pelling wrote:
IMO, compared to the others, BoD really seems to rock (particularly for business transparency, and for page-by-page colour pricing) - but unfortunately I don't trust my second-rate German reading skills to figure out the various pricing tiers from its price calculator page correctly. :-(

Elmar, does BoD have print-on-demand partners outside Germany? They seem really clued up AFA German authors go, but not very accessible otherwise... and print-on-demand is what I'm thinking of doing ATM... :-o

Hei Nick,

I couldn't find any international partnerships for BoD -- the site


favours a very similar model, afaict, with the major difference being that they pay you fixed royalties. (BoD lets you fix your price yourself -- of course provided it's higher than their production cost.) But production prices come in the same range.

To give you an idea of BoD's prices: Some 250 pages in large format ("A4", approx. US letter format), bw paperback will cost at least 22€ (some 28US$) in production, plus around 300€ (400US$) for the one-time mastering.

With 16 pages in colour, the price goes up to 26€.

A full-colour, hardcover edition would be a collector's item at around 100€ (130US$). Mastering goes up to 400€ (550US$).

And before you ask: I'd be willing to do the paperwork, contracts etc. for you guys, but _not_ the pdfs! That's way too much work, especially if you want the result to look good and be useful as well.



Elmar Vogt / Königswarterstr. 18 / 90762 Fürth / GERMANY
elvogt@xxxxxxxxxxx / www.beamends.de / Tel.: (++49/0)911 - 31 52 58

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