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VMs: Baresch news report
I have just come back from Warsaw where - having some time - I went
to a library which I had known had what is the best monograph
on Marci, namely:
Servit, Z.: Jan Marek Marci z Kronlandu, zapomenuty
zakladatel fyziologie a mediciny, Bratislava 1989
I had little time - and the book has no index - but paging through
it I have spotted some interesting information, which I am
immediately passing on to the Group:
1. On p. 49 there is a very interesting mention of our (and Marci's)
elusive friend: "For many years Marek's close friend was
Jiri Bares (Georgius Barschius), experienced chemist (rerum
chemicarum peritissimus), from whom Jan Marek often obtained
valuable information in this field. Bares after his death
gave to Marci the collection of his notes and observations, as
well as his chemical library. Marek wrote about it in his
_Philosophia vetus restituta_ (p. 280)."
The book in question is:
[Pan ek Pantôn] seu philosophia vetus restituta.
Prague, Typis Academici, 1662
Perhaps there is a copy in the British Library or other
available to someone - it is just a matter of checking
page 280 (alternatively, a copy can be bought on-line
at US$ 4,800)?
It seems to indicate that Baresch had already died by 1662.
And that he was indeed a real person...
2. On p. 52 there is something about VMS - but it appears
that Servit knew only what was in Newbold (whom he quotes)
and does not link Bares to VMS. He also says that
Marci's valuable library was inherited by his son Jan Ludwik
but it is not known what happened to it later.
"It is only known that a year before his death he sent
to Athanasius Kircher one of the most valuable manuscripts
from this collection, the so called _Cabalistic manuscript
of Roger Bacon_. As it appears from the letter by G. A. Kinner
to Athanasius Kircher of 5 January 1667 (Carteggio Kircher,
Roma, VIII, fol. 150), it was probably in 1666." [and then
a few lines based on Newbold, including a suggestion that
Marci may have obtained it via his brother-in-law
Dionisius Misseroni]
I can't remember if we have the above letter by Kinner?
3. On p. 57 Servit says that at the end of his life Marci has
problems with sight and memory (as he says in one of
his letters - "corruptis oculis et infirmata memoria").
"Still in 1665 or at the beginning of 1666 he sends
the Roger Bacon manuscript to Kircher with a cover letter
which does not exhibit any intelectual deficiencies.
Comparing it to other of his letters, it even seems that he
wrote it in his own hand (but it could only be proved with
proper graphological analysis). At the end of 1666 he
made his last will but could not sign it because of weak
sight." [it was signed only by 3 witnesses - 2 professors
of the medical faculty and one lawyer]
Best regards,